IV Congresso Brasileiro de Direito do Mar

Prezadas e Prezados,

Atendendo aos diversos pedidos e solicitações, bem como reconhecendo  os problemas no servidor que o sistema apresentou no último mês, dificultando a recepção de artigos, a Comissão Organizadora do IV Congresso Brasileiro de Direito do Mar torna pública a alteração do prazo para submissão de artigos, cuja data final agora é 30 de janeiro de 2020, bem como notifica a alteração do endereço de inscrições.
O edital atualizado está disponível em: https://tinyurl.com/y5pp7k6t
O novo link para inscrições é: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_1v–rqEHzLxFiIiYWZyNUvy-AdqTgAe5BDmh8SwEEGUMwg/viewformDúvidas podem ser tiradas por: [email protected]


Registration is now open for the IV Brazilian Congress of the Law of the Sea that will take place from April 2nd to 4th, 2020, in Santos.
The Brazilian Congress of the Law of the Sea is the largest event on the theme. Since 2015, it has been dedicated to the diffusion of the Law of the Sea themes with a transdisciplinary standpoint, aiming at consolidating and deepening the discussions from national, international and transnational perspectives.
As the main academic initiative dedicated to the Law of the Sea, connected to  Centro de Estudos em Direito do Mar Vicente Marotta Rangel (CEDMAR- VMR-USP), from University of São Paulo, a research group with uninterrupted activities since 2015, it has a fundamental role in consolidating discussions on the subject, attracting researchers and teachers from different nations.
In the fourth edition, it honors Prof. Dr. Adherbal Meira Mattos, one of the most prominent  Law of the Sea scholars in Brazil, author of works that are true theoretical references.
Access to the call for papers here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l3x1vkLTx0eX6DGNXcRBIh0otOcSVj3A/view?usp=sharing
Registration will be made via the system. Access here: https://forms.gle/96VuCCbPc5GhCWVZ9
Barbara Mourão SachettPhd Student
Department of International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Law – University of São Paulo – USP – Brazil
Researcher and Coordinator (CEDMAR-VMR-USP). Researcher (NETI-USP)


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